Help! I'm not sure what else to put on my site!

If you're in a pickle where you can't possibly come up with any ideas on what else to add to your personal site -- don't worry, me, my endless imagination, and my proclivity for sharing and listing every piece of information in my head have you covered! On this page, you'll find a perhaps somewhat absurdly long list of ideas for potential pages to add to your personal site. Of course - these don't have to be full on pages... or they could be a bunch of pages! Use your imagination! Or don't... I'm not your caretaker!

If you're particularly indecisive ( much like yours truly ) -- I recommend getting a random number generator open, rolling a number, and then finding which one on the list that might be. They aren't numbered, so play by your rules.

If you have any recommendations, any questions, or just want to show me the page(s) you made based off this list - E-mail me at: ! That's right, bitches, I've got a custom domain e-mail now >:).

Woah. Hey, wait, why is there, like, no CSS on this page?

Because I'm lazy! ... Joking. Sort of. Sometimes you just get an idea for the contents of a page before you get an idea of what the page itself should look like :^) I hope you enjoy some of these ideas regardless of the rather lame / blank layout of this page.

A daily, weekly, or monthly journal! Or even...

Write some reviews! It could be for a game, a tv show, a movie, a book, or maybe...

Make a page dedicated to your oc(s). Optionally...

Share information about a skill / hobby of yours! Optionally...

Photograph and share some images of...

Design some layouts for other people to use!

Make a shrine if you haven't before! Or if you have and need some ideas...

Make a page or two about a collection / collections that you have! Or maybe...

Add some links!